About Us
Formed in 2010, Manifests Ireland has been engaged in Customs declarations since inception. A joint venture between Conway Shipping, Doyle Shipping Group and Manifests Ireland, collectively bringing together one of the strongest customs resources in Ireland. Located in Dublin Port, Manifests Ireland have formed a Centre of Excellence at the frontline of the Customs border in Ireland’s largest port. Derek Dunne, the Managing Director has been involved in Customs declaration for over 30 years and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and a Council Member of the Irish International Freight Association, who are at the forefront of customs training and education in Ireland putting together many of the governments and other industry representative body's training initiatives.
Our Services
You can count on Manifests Ireland to not only meet, but exceed all of your customs declaration needs. Learn more about the services we provide below, and let us know if you’d like more information on any of our offerings.
Electronic Declarations to Customs
Import and export declarations created for the UK & Ireland
Security Declarations
PBN & ENS declarations created for easy clearance
Expertise in Customs Brokerage
Our expert team of Customs Brokers are dedicated to ensuring efficient submission of declarations

At Manifests Ireland, our team are your link with customs.
Meet the team behind your customs declarations.

Find the most common customs clearance questions here.
If you still have outstanding questions, please contact our dedicated team of Customs Brokers today.
What documents do I need to supply for you to submit my clearance documents to Customs?
The key document is your commercial invoice, it should contain commodity codes, values and weights. In addition, to complete a Customs declaration, you need to provide the shipping details with the ferry name, date and time of arrival along with the trailer or truck registration number. A declaration cannot be processed without this data hence loads cannot be shipped.
What is a PBN?
What is an MRN?
Why are these needed?
A PBN is the Pre Boarding Notification issued by the Revenue RoRo system accessible on Revenue.ie. It should contain the MRN which is the unique Customs number for the declarations of all the goods on board the trailer. Without the PBN, the driver cannot access the freight terminal in the UK to board the ferry.
The MRN is the confirmation from Revenue that your declaration has been accepted and will obtain a Customs routing on arrival in Ireland. The routing can be checked by your haulier prior to arrival at Dublin Port and will instruct them if the goods are cleared and can go out for delivery.
Do I need an import or export declaration to move goods between ROI and NI post-Brexit?
Goods moving between ROI and NI remain as they always have been and will not need any declarations to Customs.
Get in Touch
Manifests Ireland, Conway House, East Wall Road, East Wall, Dublin 3, D03 R8P8, Ireland
(01) 515 3362